How to Research a Little Bit of
Melungeon: A Basic Guideline.
Pat Spurlock presented this talk at the East Tennessee Historical Society First Families Fair on May 27, 2000. Reprinted here by permission of Ms. Spurlock
morning and Welcome to Knoxville! I appreciate you all showing up
because I LOVE to talk about Melungeons. I’d like to keep my
lecture short enough that we’ll have plenty of time for questions.
see on your handout a list of my frequently asked questions and the
answers are:
do you pronounce that word?
is a Melungeon? We’ll
cover that in a minute.
I a Melungeon? Not that I
know of but I want to be.
you a Melungeon? I don’t
may seem like silly questions, and I do want us to have fun with the
seminar, but without a serious definition and a plan, you won’t get
very far in Melungeon research. Your handout highlights the boring
parts about how to develop a theory and obtain dependable results. I
know that researching Melungeons isn’t as dangerous as doing brain
surgery, but you still need reliable methods and skills if you want
reliable results.
first step is developing an
– this is an assumption,
conjecture, or an idea and it includes a definition of the subject.
Next comes your
– this is a developed
hypothesis. I’d like to emphasize that we need a significant amount
of evidence before our hypothesis becomes a theory. We do this by
collecting evidence.
– This becomes your body of evidence. By now, you probably think it
sounds like we’re doing a murder investigation, especially since a
Melungeon friend of mine recently told me I sounded like O. J.
Simpson’s lawyer, but actually, these skills are useful in
Melungeon research. Your handout shows some important concepts.
- Fact – a real occurrence or having the quality of being real. It is the orderly result of a developed theory.
- Fallacy – a statement or an argument based on a false or invalid conclusion, incorrect reasoning or belief.
of the most important things to remember is to work backwards from
the known to the unknown. Also, remember that "Because I know
so," no matter who says it, or where you read it, is not proof.
I cannot stress highly enough not to believe everything you read or
hear about Melungeons.
also need a thoughtful Definition.
There are four levels of definition shown on your handout.
- Earliest-known usage and the people it applied to (historical Melungeons).
They were Native Americans of specific
colonial-Virginia remnant tribes who, for various reasons, many white
people thought of as free-people-of-color. They were found in extreme
southwestern Virginia and in what is now Hancock County, Tennessee.
They carried only a handful of specific surnames.
- By the 1830s, the word had developed into a derogatory political-and-social term. That usage expanded during the Civil War. It implied dishonesty, laziness, and a person capable of trickiness, especially if he was your political adversary.
- This was followed by a social-class definition that began during the 20th century and evolved into a general pejorative describing poor mountain people in the Appalachians, especially if they used public social services. By this time, the political meaning had been abandoned and the usage had little to do with original Melungeons.
- Finally, since the late-1980s, it has become an ambiguous, multi-ethnic genealogy catchall that has very little to do with the original Melungeons.
of these definitions are useful, but without narrowing the
definition, you won’t find many answers to real Melungeon history.
you’ll look at your handout, you’ll see several useful research
- County courthouses and repositories in the counties [listed below] and the National Archives. All of these will have original records covering Melungeon families.
- An attached reading list at the end of your handout will give you some more ideas.
- Hancock County holds a great festival every October and I cannot recommend it highly enough for anyone interested in Melungeons.
- Wise County, Virginia has a "Union" festival, with rotating dates.
- For Internet junkies, there are links to Melungeon resources listed at the Continuity Press website.
good Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina starting points.
Hawkins and Hancock County, Claiborne
and Grainger County, Washington and Sullivan County, and Rhea County
from about 1830 on. From these four areas, you’ll work backwards to
Virginia and North Carolina. Keep in mind that historical boundaries
have changed and Tennessee’s boundary history is a real booger!
Lee and Scott County,
modern-and-historical Washington County, or any county bordering
North Carolina [such as Grayson, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Halifax,
Mecklenburg, Brunswick and all their adjoining counties] are
wonderful resources.
Louisa County, Virginia and her parent
counties are key resources.
Any county bordering the following
rivers from circa 1770-to-1800 [New River, Dan River, James River,
Meherrin River, Staunton and Roanoke Rivers]; the Germanna Colonies
near the Rappahannock River (1714), French Huguenots (Protestants) at
Manakin Town (1690-1700), and Governor Spotswood’s Fort Christanna
in modern Brunswick County, Virginia are all important.
Any North Carolina county bordering
Virginia [such as Ashe, Wilkes, Rockingham, Person, Granville,
Warren, Halifax, Orange, Catawba, Alamance, Bertie, Guilford] and any
county bordering the Dan or Yadkin Rivers.
the last ten years, so many names have been called "Melungeon"
that it looks like any family with roots in the Appalachians were
Melungeons. When I first started, the name list was short and as I
got deeper into my research, the more the evidence showed fewer names
that were probably the original Melungeon surnames. Several others
became Melungeon at a very early date, probably about 1710 or so.
Your handout shows the breakdown on these names (see below).
case you wonder what I mean by "core group," it is the
original families plus the secondary group who married-in so early
than the two are, effectively, one group.
names are Melungeon?
original primary core-names are Collins and Gibson. Secondary names
that married-in long before 1750 are Bolen/Bolden/Bolton (but not the
Pocahontas Bolling line) and variants that probably include some
Baldwin families; Bunch; Denhan/ Denning/ Denham; Goins and its many
variations; Miner/Minor; one branch of the Mullins family; and
Williams. A few others married-in early but we cannot consider names
entering after 1750 or so as intrinsically Melungeon. Names entering
after the American Revolution are only Melungeon-related or else
cannot be considered Melungeon at all.
handout shows other important questions and if your family descended
from Melungeons, you need affirmative answers to these.
did Melungeons live?
depends on which period you are researching. Evidence shows that
historical Melungeons were in what is now Hancock County and
Claiborne County about 1800, give-or-take a few years, but there is
no evidence they were there before the first white adventurers came
through, which would have been in the 1760s. Before 1800, they were
in border counties along the Virginia/North Carolina state line.
they listed as free-colored or a variation, including Indian, before
they were historical Melungeons, you will eventually find some
document listing the person or family as free-colored at least before
the 1840 census. Often you will find such listings at much later
dates. Very dark skin is a criterion and without being free-colored,
whatever that meant, your family could not have been Melungeon. Your
goal, however, should not be setting out to find "free colored"
information. Just search for facts and the "free colored"
will eventually turn up if your family has Melungeon ancestry.
there evidence of historical "neighborhood thought" that
the person or family was Melungeon? If
not, they were not Melungeons.
do I say Melungeons are Indians?
- Because that’s what the preponderance of the evidence says. Melungeons born before 1850 self-identified as Indians. Supporting evidence affirms this. We can speculate on other ethnic additions, but without connecting evidence, the result is only spurious guesswork.
- I am unaware of any evidence showing that historical Melungeons originated in any foreign country. Early statements, and by this I mean after 1840, that said they were Portuguese cannot be traced to original Melungeon oral history or legal documents. It was likely an idea from news articles. Although many Native American families gave [testimonies in court that stated] their family was Portuguese, to my knowledge, none of these families has been traced to Hancock County’s Melungeons.
- Trial documents involving Melungeons indicted on counts of violations concerning Negroes and mulattos show that they were found not guilty or else the charges were dropped. The definition of "mulatto" is, however, ambiguous. We can infer from these decisions that if there were any chance they were African American, the courts would have found them to be Negroes from at least a legal standpoint.
tribes did they originally come from?
the Saponi, and possibly the Meherrin, Tuscarora, and Nottoway were
the original tribes. Later mixing occurred in the early-to-mid-1700s
and perhaps a bit earlier with some of Virginia’s so-called "lost"
Algonquian-speaking tribes. Blending probably first occurred at Fort
Christanna in modern Brunswick County, Virginia. Some Melungeons are
thought to have later married into families who had Cherokee
about the Catawba?
are probably the most important peripheral connection. They may also
help, in part or in full, to account for traditional Cherokee
ancestry and later connections to the Lumbee. The Catawba were Siouan
and cousins to the Saponi.
about the Shawnee?
don’t know of any evidence showing that the Shawnee help account
for Melungeon ancestry. They may account for some of the traditional
Cherokee of Scott County, Tennessee, which is nearby, and they
certainly account for many mixed-blood families in the modern
counties along Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia’s border.
Their history is completely separate from that of the Melungeons, but
just as interesting.
we’ve reached the reading list and I’ll leave that for you to
look at later. I hope I’ve left time for questions, but first, I’d
like to thank the East Tennessee Historical Society and Cherel
Henderson for having me and thank you all for attending.
List for Melungeon studies.
note – I compiled this only from books-in-print. The books vary in
accuracy and usefulness. Items are in alphabetical order by the
author’s last name. There are probably others. For those
interested, most of the titles are available from vendors here at the
genealogy fair. Some are fiction, some are non-fiction, and others
are Appalachian studies without being specifically Melungeon,
although very useful for Melungeon research. There are many useful
journal articles not listed here.
The Melungeons by Bonnie Ball
Melungeons Yesterday and Today by Jean Patterson
Melungeons: Examining an Appalachian Legend by
Pat Spurlock Elder.
The Spanish Pioneers in United States History. The Melungeons:
The Pioneers of the Interior Southeastern United States 1526-1997
by Eloy J. Gallegos.
Melungeons: And Other Pioneer Families by Jack H. Goins
(available mid-July).
Daughters of the Appalachians. Six Unique Women by
Linda Goodman (fiction)
The Hawk's Done Gone by Mildred Haun. Edited by
Herschel Gower (fiction).
Alex Stewart. Portrait of a Pioneer by John Rice
My Melungeon Heritage: A Story of Life on Newman's Ridge
by Mattie Ruth Johnson
The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People
by N. Brent Kennedy with Robyn Vaughan Kennedy.
The Melungeons: An Annotated Bibliography: References in both
Fiction and Nonfiction, Barbara Tracy Langdon, compiler.
The Blacksmiths of Blackwater. An Annotated Genealogy Of the
Family and Descendants of Hezekiah Minor 1765 to 1998 by
Lloyd D. Minor.
The Forgotten Portuguese. The Melungeons and Other Groups
by Manuel Mira.
Alexander Goins Family of Newman’s Ridge. Hancock County,
Tennessee by Johnnie Clyde Gibson Rhea
Pocahontas’s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia Through
Four Centuries by Helen C. Rountree.
Swift's Silver Mines and Related Appalachian Treasures
by Michael S. Steely.
Daughter of the Legend by Jesse Stuart (fiction).
Copyright © 2000. Pat Spurlock. All Rights Reserved. No
portion of this text may be stored or used in any form whatsoever
without written permission from the author. Exception is granted for
making one personal copy to those using it for their immediate-family
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