Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Morning Mountain Gospel Music 42

The Great Reaping Day
Sung by Roy Harvey a native of  Greenville, Monroe County, West Virginia

The Great Reaping Day 
There is coming a day when to judgement we'll go,
There to reap as in life we have sown.
Death eternal we'll reap if we sow to the flesh
Heaven's joy then will never be known.

May we sow righteous seed for the reaping,
Which is coming to everyone.
Oh what joy on that day when we hear Jesus say,
"Come ye blessed, a crown you have won."

Every day passing by you are sowing the seed
Fruits of life or of death will bear.
When you reap what you sow, to that land you may  go,
To that bright happy home over there.

May we sow righteous seed for the reaping,
Which is coming to everyone.
Oh what joy on that day when we hear Jesus say,
"Come ye blessed, a crown you have won."

Every act you perform is a seed to someone,
For the influence will never die.
Then be careful each day what you do, what you say,
For you'll meet it again, by and by.

May we sow righteous seed for the reaping,
Which is coming to everyone.
Oh what joy on that day when we hear Jesus say,
"Come ye blessed, a crown you have won."

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