Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Triple Brick Wall: The Dale Sisters

I've been searching  for information on my 3 DALE Sisters and their parents for over 10 years. I haven't made much head way, in fact they are a big high 'brick wall'.

They really don't show up on the 'radar', until Martha COLLINS nee DALE shows on the 1840 Floyd County, KY US census. Her sisters Mary and Elizabeth DALE don't show up until they married Martha's husband, Hiram COLLINS' brothers David and Joshua, all  3 son's of Valentine COLLINS , in Johnson County, KY

Jemima DALE is my 4th Great Grandmother. She is the Mother of the 3 DALE sisters.
Both her parents and husband are unknown. There are some theory's and speculations on who both her husband and parents are. I have found no documentation to show them to be fact.

Mary DALE is my 3rd Great Grandmother, she married David COLLINS, as you can see the State where she was born and her age are inconsistent on the US census.

Mary COLLINS nee DALE (nick name 'Polly') :
1850 Johnson County US census
49 years old,  born in Virginia

1860 Johnson County, KY US census
53 years old, born in Kentucky

1870 Johnson County, KY US census
60 years old, born in Virginia, shown as Indian as do all in her household

1880 Johnson County, KY US census
Mary COLLINS (Widow, Husband David COLLINS)
80 years old, born in Virginia, shown as Mulatto as do all in her household.
This is the last time she is shown on the US census, I haven't found her death papers.

Elizabeth DALE is my 3rd Great Grandmother, she married Joshua COLLINS, again, as you can see the State where she was born and her age are inconsistent on the US census.
Elizabeth COLLINS nee DALE (nick name 'Eliza'):
Joshua COLLINS and Elizabeth DALE were married in Greenup County, KY on  June 21, 1824, Valentine COLLINS and Jemima DALE are listed as bondsman on Greenup County marriage records

1850 Johnson County, KY US census
Elizabeth COLLINS w/Joshua COLLINS
45 years old, born in NC

(Joshua Collins died Feb 1854 in Johnson County, Kentucky he is buried at the  Collins Cemetery, Collins Branch SR #2039 Jenny Creek, Johnson County, Kentucky)

1860 Johnson County, KY US census
50 years old born in NC   
Elizabeth COLLINS (Joshua COLLINS  d 1 Feb 1854)

1870 Johnson County, KY US census:
( Widow of Joshua COLLINS)
54 years old, born in Virginia, shown as Indian as do all in her household

According to Johnson County KY death records , Elizabeth COLLINS died February 6, 1876 at the age of 72. The cause of her death is listed as 'dropsey'. Her death record is listed on Johnson County 'Deaths-Colored' records......

Martha DALE is my 3rd Great Aunt, as you can see her age shown is inconsistent on the US census.

Martha COLLINS nee DALE (nick name 'Patty'):
1840 Floyd County, KY US census
Martha COLLINS (Hiram COLLINS not in household)
Place of birth not shown. Martha would be 'Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1'
Her Mother Jemima, would be 'Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1, White Persons - Blind: 1'.  All people shown in this household are shown as 'Free White'.

1850 Johnson County, KY US census
Martha COLLINS  (Hiram COLLINS not in household)
43 years old born in Virginia
(Jemima DALE living in this household age 75 Born Virginia, listed as blind)

1860 Johnson County, KY US census
'Patty' COLLINS (Hiram COLLINS not in household)
65 years old born in Virginia, shown as Mulatto, as are all in this household.

1870 Johnson County, KY US census
Martha COLLINS is not shown

U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885:

Name:     Martha COLLINS
Gender:     Female
Race:     Black
Marital Status:     Widowed
Estimated birth year:   abt 1797
Birth Place:     Virginia
Age:     82
Death Date:     Oct 1879
Cause of Death:     Dropsy
Census Year:     1880
Census Place:     Precinct 4, Johnson, Kentucky, USA
Enumeration District:     45
LINE:     9

Martha COLLINS died in Johnson County, Kentucky in Oct 1879. Her death record states she was 82 at time of death, that she as well as both of her parents were born in Virginia. She also died from 'dropsey'. The original 'W' (white) shown as race was over written in a bold 'B' for black ?

This is what I know, nothing more, nothing less. I've come across lots of slipshod research, none of which has panned  out. No documentation equals myth, plain and simple.

I'd love to hear from anybody who might have information concerning this Dale Family.

1 comment:

  1. Eva Dale Arms is the grandmother of my husband. Her father was Fox Dale. Trying to find out if there is any Native American connection to the Dale Family of Johnson County, KY
