Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Valentine Collins .... Facts or Fiction ? Part 5

Part 5 of my attempt to clean up misinformation about my double 4th Great-Grandfather Valentine Collins published both on the Internet and in print.

The following post on a blog named "The Notorious Meddler", owned by a person named Randy Speck, takes the cake for misinformation on Valentine Collins, to the point of almost being hilarious. Maybe this 'meddler' should take the time to do some serious research before 'meddling' in the history of other families, besides his own.

med·dle  (mĕd′l)
intr.v. med·dled, med·dling, med·dles
1. To intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere.
2. To handle something carelessly or ignorantly; tamper

Update June 11, 2016, The Notorious Meddler has scrubbed this blog post, Thank you !

Here is a link to the blog post in mention:


"(1) Right around the year 1800, (2)Vardy Collins, also know (known ?) as Valentine Collins,(3) led a group of Saponi-Melungeon decendants to Stockton's Valley, Kentucky.(4) They traveled here with other 'white' settlers, such as the Wood, Crouch, Smith and Denton families, seeking a new life in the newly opened frontier. Valentine Collins joined Clear Fork Baptist Church. (5) "The minutes says the Church paid him for building a coffin for a "Bro. Bunch."

1. Right around the year 1800 ? Here are documented facts of where Valentine was 'right around' 1800:

1790 Federal Census (1st in USA) Wilkes Co. North Carolina  Volentine Collins
1791 Wilkes County, NC  tax records Volentine Collins
1792 Wilkes County, NC tax records
1793 Wilkes County NC New River District tax records Volentine Collins
1795 Wilkes County tax list District 8 Valentine Collins
1796 Wilkes County tax list District 4   Valentine Collins
1800 Federal Census Morgan Twp., Ashe County, North Carolina Valentine Collins  listed as FPC
1801 Valentine Collins joins the Stoney Creek Baptist Church 'December 1801 Valentine
Collins received by experience and baptised' , near Fort Blackmore, Scott County, Virginia (from the minutes of the Stoney Creek Baptist Church)
1803 April the 23 day,  Valentine Collins and his wife received a letter of dis-mission, Stoney Creek Baptist Church near Fort Blackmore, Scott County, Virginia
1806-1807 Valentine Collins appears on the Church minutes of the Clear Fork Baptist Church, Cumberland County, Kentucky, there  is no record of him being in Cumberland County KY, before September 1806 or after September 1807.
1809-12 tax list of Hawkins County, Tennessee lists Valentine Collings, 100 acres
1810 Hawkins County Tax list for Puncheon Camp Valley Valentine Collins

2. "Vardy Collins, also know (known ?) as Valentine Collins," By who ?, I can't believe anyone would post such misinformation. I can guarantee this cretinous 'Meddler', they are not the same person. Maybe them 'V's' got him confused. A simple Google search would prove my point. I won't waste one more second on this ludicrous statement.

3. "led a group of Saponi-Melungeon decendants to Stockton's Valley, Kentucky". I'd love to see a citation to back up this claim, that this 'meddler' states as fact. How about starting with some names and documented facts that they were of Saponi descent. There is no proof that Valentine Collins was of Saponi descent, he was a 'Mixed Blood', and never claimed 'Melungeon' or 'Saponi', as far as this researcher and descendant has found.

4. "They traveled here with other 'white' settlers, such as the Wood, Crouch, Smith and Denton families," I have never seen these surnames associated with Valentine Collins, again a citation is needed to prove this statement, that is stated as fact.

Maybe this statement written by historian/ archivist/genealogist  Jack Goins might shed a different light:

"Valentine Collins was a member of Stony Creek and Blackwater Baptist Church. He may have gone to Cumberland County, Kentucky with Micajer Bunch, or Joseph and Isaac Riddle, sons of Tory Captain William Riddle. Valentine Collins was on the move. He didn't stay long as a member of Clear Fork Baptist Church, but came back to Hawkins County where he is listed on the 1810 tax list"


5. "The minutes says the Church paid him for building a coffin for a "Bro. Bunch."
The minutes of the Clear Fork Baptist Church, do not state Valentine Collins built a coffin for 'bro Bunch', here is a transcription (transcribed by myself, from Clear Fork Baptist Church minutes, published untranscribed in the book "Lighthouse in the Wilderness")  of what the minutes do in fact say:

September 1807:  Valentine COLLINS neglected to hear the church, non-
        fellowship with him and will inform the church on Black
        Water. Isaac DENTON, Wm GOODSON, Harden
        WILLIAMS to write a letter to that church. James
        WILLIAMS allowed to keep the horse which was pro-
        vided by this church and Beaver Creek Church for the
        use of paying Bro BUNCH to Bro JOHN LEE and
        making Bro BUNCH's coffin. Letter of dismission to
        Anne LEE and Wm BOND and his wife

Where does this say Valentine Collins built this coffin ?  I think another citation is needed.

It's to bad some don't have respect for the Family histories of others. But I guess that what 'meddlers' do, meddle and not get it right.

genealogy without documentation is mythology

 That’s my 2 cents......

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