Thursday, December 17, 2015

A happier holiday season…Free DNA Tests being offered

I just received an email with a link to the blog ''The Legal Genealogist'  written by Judy G. Russell.

" Thanks to the generosity of Family Tree DNA, I’m going to be able to give away three DNA test kits — one YDNA 37-marker kit, and two Family Finder autosomal kits."

The Rules:

• The test has to be for you, though you can use the kit to test a member of your family.

• You (or the person you’re testing) can’t have taken any other Family Tree DNA test, and strong preference will be given to those who haven’t had any chance to test anywhere.

• You have to convince me — privately, by email, and not ever to be shared with another soul (except if I need help from Family Tree DNA with a tie-breaker) — that this really is something that would break the December bank in your household if you went and bought it for yourself.

• If I need a tie-breaker, I’m going to give preference to the best brief explanation of why you want the test — again, totally private — so tell me what you hope to prove using DNA.

• All entries have to be emailed (if you’re reading this via email, don’t just hit reply — make sure you use my address for this) and they have to received by 11:59:59 p.m. (midnight) Pacific time on Sunday, December 20th

You must follow Judy's instructions and write to her personally, I am just passing this along from her Blog.

Click here for more information......A happier holiday season

Thank you Judy G. Russell and FTDNA for this generous Christmas Holiday offer

Hat tip to Janet Crain

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