Friday, July 29, 2016

Three different Collins lines of Johnson County Kentucky......

"There are three Collins lines who are found in present day Johnson County Kentucky.They are all separate and distinct families, but are often confused as one.

Valentine Collins, the father of Otary Collins,  immigrated from Hawkins County, Tennessee to Floyd County in the early 19th century, a number of years before Rhesa and Mary Collins settled in the John's Creek area.

Sometime in the 1850s a William Collins moved to the northwestern corner of Johnson County from Wise County Virginia.

Valentine's family, having immigrated from Hawkins County, Tennessee, was probably of Mulungeon origin and it is possible that William Collins of Wise County Virginia was also.

Rhesa (or Reece) was from Frederick County, Maryland.  Research does not show any tie with Mulungeons for Rhesa's family.  His father, Patrick, was said to have come from Ireland before the Revolutionary War."

Read more here:  Patrick & Rhesa Collins Descendants


  1. Don,

    Have you found Valentine in the 1840 Census? I recently did, two doors down from my GGG Grandfather Reuben Nichols in Morgan County. Get with me when you get a chance, I have a question or two about gedmatch. Hope you're doing well Cousin.

    Patrick Nichols

    1. Hey Bud, I just looked at my files, I do have a copy of the mentioned 1840 census records from Morgan Co, KY Thanks. I'm emailing you privately. I'm hanging in there thanks for asking.
