Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday Morning Mountain Gospel Music 106

The Family Who Prays
Written and sung by Charles and Ira Louvin, The Louvin Brothers 
Dedicated to the Bonee family reunion taking place today in Terre Haute, Indiana

The Family Who Prays

The family who prays
Will never be parted
Their circle in heaven unbroken shall stand
God will say "enter, my good faithful servants"
The family who prays
Never shall part

Satan has parted Fathers and Mothers
Filling their hearts with his envy and hate
Heading their pathways down to destruction
Leaving their children like orphans to stray

The family who prays
Will never be parted
Their circle in heaven unbroken shall stand
God will say "enter, my good faithful servants"
The family who prays
Never shall part

Wars and tornadoes are taking our loved ones
Leaving us tearful with sad aching hearts
But we shall join them over the river
For the family who prays
Never shall part

The family who prays
Will never be parted
Their circle in heaven unbroken shall stand
God will say "enter, my good faithful servants"
The family who prays
Never shall part

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