Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday Morning Mountain Gospel Music 108

Dark and Thorny is the Desert 
Music composed by Charles Crozat Converse, Sung by Ralph Stanley and The Clinch Mountain Boys

Dark and Thorny is the Desert 

Dark and thorny is the desert
Through which pilgrims make their way
Yet beyond this vale of sorrow
Lie the fields of endless day

Oh young soldiers are you weary
Of the roughness of the way
Does your strength begin to fail you
And your vigor to decay

Jesus Jesus will go with you
He will lead you to his throne
He whose thunder shapes creation
He who bids the planets roll

Around him are ten thousand angels
Ready to obey his command
They'll all be there to hover round you
Til you've reached the heavenly land

There on flowery hills of pleasure
Lie the fields of endless rest
Love and joy and peace forever
Reign and triumph in your breast

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