Monday, August 4, 2014

Melungeons, A Multi-Ethnic Population...... Revisited Part Two

Seems like my first segment of "Melungeons, A Multi-Ethnic Population...... Revisited", didn’t sit well with a few 'avid researchers' and self identified 'scholars', none of who were part of this study, nor are they descendants of this mixed blood group. To each their own.

Looks like this subject was a touchy one, for some. But just to set the record straight, this is my blog, written by me, I’m a sovereign man, there is no 'We'. As the name states "Notes and Observations of a Family Historian" .

I’m not a scholar, a scientist, a professional genealogist, or a Melungin researcher. I’m just a stubborn old American who is as plain as an old shoe, looking for my family roots. I’m not looking to prove a thing.

OK, now where was I ? This Melungeon DNA Project paper sure drew some criticisms, in my opinion unjustified. I also think it was one of the most important research efforts ever was, concerning this small mixed blood group.

I couldn’t find a one review that was critical from anyone in the Genetic Genealogy community. Did I miss one ? I don’t think so.

So I’m gonna post/link some positive things that were said about it. Let’s just say I'm gonna 'Keep on the Sunnyside'.......   


First off, here is an interesting post by John D. Hawks, be sure to click on his name, to find out more about Mr. Hawks, go here to read an interview with Mr. Hawks......John Hawks interview

Read Mr. Hawk's blog post here....Melungeon genetic roots

I'm also a participant in the Collins DNA Project , here is their comment on the Melungin DNA paper:

In this article Henry Gates cites the Melungin DNA paper: Did My White Ancestor Become Black?

In September of 2013, 'The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture, Genomics and History' was held at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington DC.

The National Human Genome Research Institute, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the National Museum of Natural History held a full-day symposium that brought together scholars, scientists and practitioners from various disciplines who are exploring the African Diaspora throughout historical, cultural and genomic lenses with the purpose of understanding a person’s ancestry and how that impacts individual health and collective identity.

At this symposium Dr. Linda M. Heywood mentions the Melungin DNA Paper. In the YouTube video below she mentions 'various Africans being incorporated into the Portuguese settlements in Africa before being shipped out as slaves' at 22:54. At 57:46 she mentions the Melungin paper....                                            

Family historian and author of the book "Finding Our Indian Blood" Vance Hawkins states:

"This is a wonderful report, with both observation and empirical data agreeing to say the Melungeons are NOT Portuguese, and NOT Cherokee. But they are sub-Sahara African, Caucasian, and there is some small admixture of American Indian as well."
On October 20, 2012 ,the Melungeon DNA paper, "Melungeons: A Multi-Ethnic People," was honored by the North Carolina Society of Historians at an awards ceremony in Mooresville, NC, and was granted the prestigious Paul Green Multimedia Award.

"This paper is definitely not for the “faint of heart,’ nor can it be considered 'light reading.'  It is an in-depth study of the Melungeons in the Carolinas and surrounding states that is geared toward those persons with a serious interest in tracing these people by taking a DNA approach. It is an academic paper that is the result of a monumental study that took in many different avenues of research. We found this work to be absolutely brilliant and data pertaining to North Carolina was exciting.  We understand that this study is still a work-in-progress, and we look forward, with great anticipation, to future papers chronicling additional information discovered/uncovered regarding this fascinating race of people.” 

Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. – Romans 12:14
Stay tuned for part three of this article.........That’s my 2 cents......


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