Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday Morning Mountain Gospel Music 91

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
Written by Mrs. A. S. Bridgewater / Andy P. Bland, sung by The Stanley Brothers, Carter and Ralph

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

   We read of a place that’s called heaven,
    It’s made for the pure and the free;
    These truths in God’s Word He hath given,
    How beautiful heaven must be.
     How beautiful heaven must be,
     Sweet home of the happy and free;
     Fair haven of rest for the weary,
     How beautiful heaven must be.

    Pure waters of life there are flowing,
    And all who will drink may be free;
    Rare jewels of splendor are glowing,
    How beautiful heaven must be.

     How beautiful heaven must be,
     Sweet home of the happy and free;
     Fair haven of rest for the weary,
     How beautiful heaven must be.

    The angels so sweetly are singing,
    Up there by the beautiful sea;
    Sweet chords from their gold harps are ringing,
    How beautiful heaven must be.

     How beautiful heaven must be,
     Sweet home of the happy and free;
     Fair haven of rest for the weary,
     How beautiful heaven must be.


  1. Beautiful lyrics of inspiration to read this memorial weekend. Thank you for sharing, I found it very uplifting.

  2. So glad this Gospel song was an inspiration to you. Made my day.
    I post a Gospel song every Sunday morning.
